I make promises I have no way of controlling.
When my friend was getting surgery on her knee; "I promise you, absolutely everything will work out fine. Nothing will go wrong."
When my friend ruined a friendship; "He's angry now, but I promise you everything will get better."
When my friend was reluctant to come back to
Reverb; "You'll be fine, we all want you there, you'll be alright, I promise."
There are many, many more examples, but these are the first to come to mind. In all of these situations, everything was out of my hands. I could do absolutely nothing to make my promises come true. I've been thinking about this. Sometimes you need to make promises you know you can't control, simply to bring hope into people's lives. That's why I make these promises. These promises I can't control. Only the worst can happen when you lose hope. And I never want that to happen to anyone.
My friend who got knee surgery? Everything went perfect. She is now off her crutches and will be able to play softball in the spring.
My friend with a broken friendship? Her and the boy are now dating.
My friend who didn't want to come to
Reverb? She was there last Thursday, and had a great time. She says she'll be coming back sometime soon.
You need to bring hope to others, because sometimes, that's the only thing they have.